Economic Bailout is All Wrong

Economic Bailout is All Wrong

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks - Economic Bailout is All Wrong

Good afternoon. Now, I discovered How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks - Economic Bailout is All Wrong. Which is very helpful in my opinion therefore you.

There aren't many Americans that haven't heard of the current economic bailout. Be it from a newspaper article, or just word of mouth, most are aware of at least the idea of the bailout. Well I wanted to take it a step additional for the general public and I did a little digging.

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How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

First off, don't be fooled by the name "The government economic bailout" it is government controlled, but surprise surprise taxpayer funded. That is right Your money will pay for the inadequacies of private banking institutions. Now that I have your wallet, or your attention, but I am guessing I have both, lets go back a bit in time to the creation of the Federal Reserve.

On December 23, 1913 President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal sustain Act. Giving authority to the Federal sustain to begin operating as the central bank of the United States of America. What isn't widely known is that what this act did was give unblemished operate of the Us cheaper to private banks owned by some of the richest men in the world. In a nutshell there were seven men who came up with this idea of a central bank, and all of them whether owned or had most of their assets in banking. These men made up practically 1/4 of the world's wealth. What this act created was a banking monopoly. These private banks that include the Federal sustain now operate all the banking and currency in the whole United States.

Now lets fast-forward to the present. We are in the middle of a "credit crisis" where supposedly the American people aren't paying their debts and this has caused banks to lose money and some of them fail. The first query I want to ask everybody is how is this potential with a good majority of people still paying for their debt? Second how is it potential for a bank to fail if they aren't lending more than they have? These are two questions that will lead us to the positive answer.

The Breakdown

The banks are borrowing their money from the Federal sustain for a positive percent, which is set by the Federal sustain itself. That is the pesky little amount set by the fed that affects our mortgage rate when we sign one, or a car loan, or any other loan for that matter. Now in turn the bank makes a profit from your interest rate on your loan, and the fed makes a profit on its rate to the bank, but you are paying them both. Here is where it gets a little tricky so rub your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus.

Now that bank has made a pure profit without ever using a penny of its own money to back the investment. The bank in turn pays the "Fed" for its loan and the circle is complete. Have you ever heard of a pyramid scheme? This sounds a lot like one doesn't it? Money changes hands in the higher echelons and in the end the ones on the lowest are left keeping the bill. However in this case the ones on the lowest are the taxpayers and the smoke screen of a Federal Reserve, thought to be controlled by the government, keeps us blinded and completely unsuspecting.

The monopoly of the Federal sustain ensured that those private banks would have unblemished operate over the Us cheaper and every time money changes hands they are getting their piece of the pie. The ensuing emergency was inevitable. The Fed was loaning money out of greed to banks knowing they were having the little man foot the bill. In turn the banks were only calculating how much money they stood to make if they signed huge loans to people regardless of their assets to back up the money loaned to them. In the end they were receiving money for a low rate and lending it at a much higher rate.

It was greed that caused this current economic recession, greed of the conspiratorially owned fed, and greed of the conspiratorially owned banks. The fed loaned money to institutions looking only profit, not weighing out the assets to back the funds, and the greed of the banks of borrowing and lending money at will. They were both merely crossing their fingers hoping it would turn out Ok. When I say greed of the Fed I am referring to the value of the dollar. The American dollar is not backed by whatever but the compel of our economy, and as Americans, and small businesses, borrowed more and more the cheaper was looking large amounts of funds moved around and therefore reflected a strong economy. It was all but strong, as we all know now. The fed controls the dollar and if it goes up it allows those who have private interests in the fed to see larger and larger profit margins. They saw the occasion to make a buck, and in turn caused a national crisis.

Now the scam is faltering, it is on the brink of a meltdown. They have stretched the people to their absolute limits, and the people go bust. Now the money isn't flowing to the bank, and in turn the money stops flowing to the fed when banks file bankruptcy. Stocks are slipping, and the politicians have to find a way out. What was their write back you say? It wasn't one to preclude this from happening again. No instead they decided to squeeze the little guy again so they can keep getting their cut. So the papers start reading "retirements are evaporating," and "trillions of dollars lost in the stock market today," all scaring the crap out of us. Then throwing in the oil prices, which is a very related topic as well and mark my words it is related, but I have yet to dig deep adequate to speak on the matter. It sends the American people into turtle mode. What happened? We stopped borrowing what we couldn't afford to pay back, we stopped using more oil than the provide could handle, and the banks stopped lending what they didn't have. If the banks are lending what they don't have, then who isn't getting their cut? The Federal sustain isn't folks.

Here is the simple politics of what ensued. The money has stopped flowing in the Us and the rich aren't getting richer. The ghost money pick pocketing the Us citizens is gone and all is at a stand still. The people are living within their means and getting rid of their debt. Well the private banking sector controls our economy, and very wealthy men and women run a good majority of our government. So instead of letting it all fail and be reborn as a good less greed inspired system, they are going to take money out of your pocket to get the beast flowing again. I bet if the vote were put to the people it wouldn't have seen the light of day. How many kids could have gotten a free education with that money? How many families with no health guarnatee could have been helped? Rather than help the addition jobless population, they decided to help the ones that created the qoute in the first place. Once again our flawed ideas has provided for those who need it the least.

What needs to happen?

The banking ideas has proven that it is not worthy of our business. It failed miserably and has cost us all dearly. The Fed fueled the flawed ideas out of greed. Our government and our way of life are not safe from future disasters unless the ideas is reformed and the private monopoly of the Federal sustain is abolished. Give the power back to the people and out of the hands of banking tycoons. Those in charge should be elected officials. "For the people by the people," not for those with private interests by those with private interests.

-Blake Underhill
A implicated American Citizen

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