What Are The Holy Grails Of Plastic Surgery?

Stretch Marks On Thighs - What Are The Holy Grails Of Plastic Surgery?

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Every year, plastic surgery gets just a little bit better. Quicker, easier, more sophisticated procedures with results that are more and more natural, for approximately every part of the body. surgery gets more and more "minimally invasive" obviating the need for more thorough procedures and long, complex recoveries. In fact, many surgical procedures have already come to be "antiques" and have all but been supplanted by non-surgical treatments. Yet, even today there persist some challenges of the past for which plastic surgeons still don't have the best answers - but we're working on them! These are the "Holy Grails" of plastic surgery:

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Stretch Marks On Thighs

Is there a single, truly productive medicine for dark shadows under the eyes (lower eyelids)? Not really. This is partly because such shadows are most often caused by a very complex mixture of factors. Bulging bags of extra fat in the lower eyelids, deficient fat plenty and/or hollowing along the rim of the eyelid, "broken" capillaries in the lower eyelid, dark pigmentation of the lower eyelid skin - any or all of these could be involved. If you are lucky, your plastic surgeon might be able to recognize a dominant and treatable cause that, once properly addressed, will succeed in a principal difference. But as clear medications, continuing allergies, too much stress and not adequate sleep also weigh in on this problem, it remains a "tough one".

Is there an effective, non-invasive skin tightening procedure for the face, neck, arms, abdomen, thighs and other "loose skin" question areas? We've absolutely come quite far in this division - for the face. Just within the past five years or so, laser technology has made great strides in improving the way facial skin can be tightened. But we need more. There are many patients who do not get the degree of tightening that they absolutely wanted. Then there are those who are considered for a face lift naturally because we don't have technology that is good adequate to serve as a uncostly alternative. As far as the body goes, there is no currently appropriate non-invasive technology that reliably and consistently can be used to tighten the skin. Laser liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction (and maybe radio frequency liposuction) can help restore some retraction to inelastic skin but these are still invasive procedures and not productive for the advanced forms of loose skin. For skin without any appreciable remaining elasticity, there are a variety of very productive surgical "lifts" we have designed for approximately every area of the body, but we are still waiting for a real non-surgical skin tightening method.

Is there an productive recipe for non-invasive fat melting/contouring for the face, neck and body? Have you noticed the spike in performance over the last year or two with this idea? some of these techniques have appeared - lasers that spin and shine on the face of the skin (as if your fat is a Upc code at the supermarket) or cold steel plates that squeeze and gently "freeze" the fat under the skin. The claim is that these methods induce the fat to dissolve sometime later. Agreeing to the Fda, these things do work...somewhat...sort of...but only if combined with a consistent program of diet and exercise. These are absolutely not equivalent alternatives to liposuction. What about those fat melting injections you may have heard about? A good idea, maybe, but still not considered perfected adequate to be called safe, productive or consistent. maybe a wiser move would be to save your money up for Hifu (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) which is still in development. No incisions, no surgery, just a "sound wave" applied to the face skin face which then passes harmlessly through the skin to the fat underneath where it disrupts the fat cells. It sounds great. We'll see.

Is there a large volume, long-lasting artificial injectable filler that could be used for enhancement/filling of areas like the breasts or the buttocks? The fillers that we use for the face work great but are little to relatively small volumes with each syringe being fairly expensive. But their great advantage: a straightforward office procedure for which your physician doesn't need to do anything except take a box off the shelf to get you started. What about a large volume version of these for more immense filling requirements and at a more uncostly cost? We hear tell of a Restylane-like goods being used in this manner in Europe (why is it always Europe?) called "Macrolane". Regardless, this is clearly still in the "Holy Grail" stage. We will have to be satisfied with your body fat being the only large volume filler currently at our disposal. That fat just doesn't "come off the shelf" and you might not have adequate for what we need to do. Sorry.

Are we any closer to having a"more definitive" form of permanent hair extraction through lasers? This technology has been getting great every year so the rejoinder absolutely is "yes"! Techniques available today are more gentle, less risky and great at eliminating hair over the long-term than ever before. But we can do better. Today, it is considered a long-term success even if the hair is only made "finer" or less dense, and not truly eliminated. Sometimes we can make the area truly hair-free for quite an extended duration of time...but not necessarily forever. One day, "Laser Hair Removal" will yield a permanent, hair-free result. We are not there yet.

Where do we stand on having a non-surgical, safe and productive means of stimulating permanent hair growth? Rogaine has been around for years (the patent on Minoxidil expired 15 years ago!). It helps, but its effects are modest and temporary. Propecia has been around since 1997 with temporary effects as well. Let's not talk about the side effects. So, nothing new or great has appeared in over 10 years?! Sorry, but true. We do have these strange-looking "laser combs" and similar "low-level laser" treatments purporting to stimulate hair growth when used regularly. The truth - we are no closer to a great rejoinder for this.

Will there likely ever be a form of non-injectable Botox (e.g. Cream or treatment)? There were rumors last year that a cream was going to be advent out, and then we heard it might be a sort of "sticky pad" you could use overnight on premium question areas like the "crow's feet". Nothing in reality yet.

Do we have an effective, prophylactic medication or cream, etc. That will tend to block untoward post-surgical scar tissue from ever forming and makes scars as invisible as possible? The volume of scientific information and study being done on scars is staggering. We have lots of great techniques that work in this division - they just don't work or work well in everyone all the time. So we are still finding for the best rejoinder to this. Most physicians feel that scar formation is such a complex process that there will never be a dominant or single therapy that will be the "answer". How about a similar technique which is reliably useful to treat bad scars which have already formed? Unfortunately, same answer.

Is there a reliable and productive therapy available today for stretch marks? We have lots of answers like "maybe", "sometimes" and "we can try it and see if it works" in the worlds of creams and lasers out there but, in a word, no.

I hope you get new knowledge about Stretch Marks On Thighs. Where you can offer easy use in your day-to-day life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Stretch Marks On Thighs.

1 comment:

  1. Six months ago, I personally had a Toronto skin tightening procedure to remove my stretch marks. The treatment was very effective and safe. Because of its great results, I highly recommend this procedure!
